Monday night Slice

Now that the school year is in full swing..I am trying to find new, creative dinner choices for the family. I don’t want to, but I am. Yesterday, after picking Hen up from school I asked her what we should have for dinner. I go to my kids because I am not that creative..maybe it’s laziness? She said she wanted Pizza. Well… I feel like every time I order pizza, or get take out, it never gets eaten and just goes to waste. Then I remembered I have been wanting to MAKE little pizza’s at home. NO, not like actually home make the dough..I’m not there yet. I mean the BOBOLI make it yourself personal pizzas šŸ™‚

Went to the grocery store and they had every little thing we needed.

  • 2 BOBOLI pizza dough’s per pack
  • 99 cent Prego pizza sauce jars
  • $1.00 deli sliced fresh pepperoni
  • Mozzarella
  • Green bell pepper
  • Italian sausage at the meat counter


I have these awesome cutting boards that we received from our wedding that worked perfect. They are plastic and flexible but worked as a place mat type thing for the kids to be “creative” with their pizza making. Henley of course OD’d her pizza dough with sauce…and Liam put every inch of cheese and sauce on meticulously. Kids.

liam pizza

hen pizza (don’t mind the naked child…she gets messy so easily)!

We popped them in the oven at 450 degrees for about 8 minutes exactly…and they were complete!! Henley chose to dip hers in ranch…surprise surprise…and I ate mine almost all gone!!!

Very fun and successful dinner in the Marino household last night..I got super mom points..for a dinner item!!

Tonight’s menu: SALMON, red potatoes and salad!

Buona Fortuna!